Online Chassis Number से पता करे आपका वाहन कितना साल पुराना है 1 मिनट में - चेसिस नंबर से जाने गाड़ी कितनी पुरानी हैं|
चेसिस नंबर से जाने गाड़ी कितनी पुरानी हैं?
क्या आप जानना चाहते हैं कि आपकी गाड़ी कितनी पुरानी है? इसका उत्तर आपके वाहन के चेसिस नंबर में छिपा है। चेसिस नंबर, जिसे VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) भी कहा जाता है, एक 17-अंकों का यूनिक कोड है जो आपके वाहन की महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी को संजोता है।
चेसिस नंबर क्या है?
चेसिस नंबर एक अल्फान्यूमेरिक कोड होता है जो गाड़ी की पहचान और विशेषताओं को दर्शाता है। यह VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) के रूप में भी जाना जाता है और यह गाड़ी की उम्र, निर्माण स्थल, मॉडल और अन्य महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी को बताता है।
VIN से गाड़ी की उम्र कैसे जानें?
VIN में दसवें अक्षर से गाड़ी के निर्माण वर्ष का पता लगाया जा सकता है। हर अक्षर एक वर्ष को दर्शाता है। नीचे दिए गए तालिका में आप महीने और वर्ष के कोड देख सकते हैं |
1. World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI)
2. Vehicle Description Section (VDS)
3. 9 other characters indicating the type of vehicle, its displacement, engine type, design sequence, vehicle version, accuracy check digit, year of manufacture, and plant code
4. Serial number of the vehicle
A VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is an internationally accepted standard to identify all kinds of motor vehicles including commercial vehicles and private vehicles such as trucks, cars, buses, and motorcycles. A VIN constitutes a series of numbers and letters where each individual characteristic gives specific information about the vehicle.
A VIN is a unique identification code assigned to each vehicle. There could be several reasons why you might need to know your vehicle’s VIN number. The VIN number can tell the place where the vehicle is manufactured, year of manufacture, and other significant information about the vehicle. You may also need to know the VIN number if you wish to order certain vehicle parts and want to know the exact build and model of your vehicle.
Chassis Number will tell you the Vehicles Age ?
Constituents of a VIN/Chassis Number
A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) consists of 17 characters and follows the ISO Standard 3779, established in 1977 and revised in 1983. This code is essential for identifying specific information about a vehicle and can be broken down into three main sections:
1. World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI)
The first three characters in a VIN represent:
- Country of Origin: For example, 1 or 4 denotes the USA, 2 for Canada, 3 for Japan, S for England, and W for Germany.
- Manufacturer: Some examples include A for Audi, B for BMW, 1 for Chevrolet, F for Ford, G for General Motors, H for Honda, D for Mercedes Benz, N for Nissan, S for Suzuki, and K for Kawasaki.
- Type of Vehicle: For motorcycles, this might be '1' or 'A'.
2. Vehicle Description Section (VDS)
The next six characters provide detailed information about the vehicle:
Fourth Character: Vehicle Category (Suzuki Example)
- C: Scooter
- B: Commuter or business model
- N: Single cylinder sport/street
- G: Multiple cylinder sport/street
- S: Off-road
Fifth Character: Engine Displacement (Suzuki Example)
- A: 49 cc and less
- B: 50 cc to 69 cc
- C: 70 cc to 79 cc
- D: 80 cc to 89 cc
- E: 90 cc to 99 cc
- F: 100 cc to 124 cc
- G: 125 cc to 149 cc
- H: 150 cc to 199 cc
- J: 200 cc to 249 cc
- K: 250 cc to 399 cc
- M: 400 cc to 499 cc
- N: 500 cc to 599 cc
- P: 600 cc to 699 cc
- R: 700 cc to 749 cc
- S: 750 cc to 849 cc
- T: 850 cc to 999 cc
- U: 1000 cc to 1099 cc
- V: 1100 cc to 1199 cc
- W: 1200 cc to 1299 cc
- Y: 1400 cc to 1499 cc
- Z: 1500 cc and above
Sixth Character: Engine Type (Suzuki Example)
- 1: 2 stroke single engine
- 2: 2 stroke twin engine
- 3: 2 stroke triple or quadruple engine
- 4: 4 stroke single engine
- 5: 4 stroke twin engine
Seventh Character: Design Sequence (Suzuki Example)
1: First design version
2: Second design version
10 and above: Represented with A, B, etc.
Eighth Character: Version of the Vehicle (Suzuki Example)
Ninth Character: VIN Accuracy Check Digit
3. Vehicle Identifier Section (VIS)
The final eight characters provide additional specific information:
Tenth Character: Year of Manufacture
Eleventh Character: Plant Code of Manufacture
Twelfth to Seventeenth Characters: Serial Number
How to Decode the VIN

Month and Year Codes
In a VIN, the manufacturing month and year are denoted by letters. For instance, 'A' represents January, 'B' represents February, and so on, while 'A' represents the year 2010, 'B' for 2011, etc.
Month Codes
Month | Code |
January | A |
February | B |
March | C |
April | D |
May | E |
June | F |
July | G |
August | H |
September | J |
October | K |
November | L |
December | M |
Year Codes
Year | Code |
2010 | A |
2011 | B |
2012 | C |
2013 | D |
2014 | E |
2015 | F |
2016 | G |
2017 | H |
2018 | J |
2019 | K |
2020 | L |
2021 | M |
2022 | N |
2023 | P |
2024 | R |
2025 | S |
2026 | T |
2027 | V |
2028 | W |
2029 | X |
2030 | Y |
Different manufacturers might place these letters at different positions in the VIN. Therefore, you must understand your specific car manufacturer's VIN coding method.
Understanding your bike's VIN helps ensure you have accurate information about your vehicle, enhancing safety and reliability.
FAQs on Chassis Number on Your Bike
Why is the Chassis Number or VIN Important?
The VIN is a unique identifier that provides crucial details about a vehicle's authenticity, making it essential for verifying the vehicle's legitimacy and history.
Are the Vehicle's VIN and Chassis Number the Same?
Yes, the VIN and Chassis Number are the same.
How Can I Locate My Chassis Number Online?
The vehicle information can be found on VAHAN, an online national record of motor vehicle registration details. To protect the owner's privacy, some characters of the Chassis and Engine Number are suppressed.
Why is it Crucial to Verify the Vehicle's Chassis Number Before Purchasing?
Verifying the chassis number ensures you are aware of the vehicle's history and specific details, whether the vehicle is new or used.
Is the Engine Number the Same as the Chassis Number?
No, the engine number is unique to the engine block, while the chassis number provides information on the manufacturing date, car model, engine type, fuel type, etc.
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