If you have also forgotten the permit number of your vehicle, then how can you find out the permit, how can it be removed, its complete process is given below.
When we drive a commerce vehicle, we have to take a permit, without it we cannot drive for business purposes until we make a permit.
What is Stage Carriage Permit
Section 66 in The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 [Complete Act] vehicle is being used: Provided that a stage carriage permit shall, subject to any conditions that may be specified. vehicle as a contract carriage: Provided further that a stage carriage permit may, subject to any conditions that. Central Government Act. “Conditions of carriage” mean the terms and conditions established by an air carrier in respect of its carriage, and are filed as applicable tariff rules. Both conditions of carriage/contract spell out the various benefits and limitations associated with the air transportation being provided.
"State Carriage" means a motor vehicle :-
- who can carry more than 6 passengers other than the driver
- for the whole journey or for the destinations of the journey
- Separate fares by or for individual passengers
- To bear rent or remuneration
made or adapted to it.
Procedure to apply for permit
The following particulars shall be given in an application for a permit as a stage vehicle:-
1. The route or routes for which the application is being made.
2. The type and seating area of each such vehicle.
3. Minimum and maximum number and schedule of daily trips proposed to be provided (trip means return journey from one point to another)
4. Number of vehicles to be kept in reserve for maintenance of service.
5. The arrangements for the keeping, maintenance and repair of vehicles and for the storage and custody of goods.
6. Such other matters as may be directed.
Application for stage vehicle permit shall be made to the concerned Secretary, Regional Transport Authority (RTO) by enclosing the following form in Form No. RS.5.1 :-
1. Attested copy of any of the following proof of place of residence in accordance with Rule 4 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989:-
(i) Photo Identity Card
(ii) Electoral Enrollment List
(iii) Life Insurance Policy
(iv) Passport
(v) Pay slips issued by any office of the Central Government or State Government or any local body
(vi) a copy of or any other proof accepted in this behalf in accordance with the rules
2. Where there is reservation of permit under section 17(4), then certificate of being SC/ST from the competent authority.
3. An envelope containing your address for information
4. Tax Paid Report,
5. Copy of valid insurance of the vehicle,
6. Copy of fitness certificate,
7. Copy of Registration Book,
8. Blue print map of the proposed route showing all the viaducts of the population and the length and range of the proposed route
9. Proposed Time Table
10. Proposed Fare
11.Fixed Fees
The Secretary, Regional Transport Authority has the discretion to grant or reject the Floor Vehicle Permit on the application as per rules, as he thinks fit.
The Secretary, Regional Transport Authority shall inform the applicant about the acceptance or rejection of the application within 7 days from the date of issue of the order and issue the permit in the prescribed format RS.5.9.
Vehicle permit number search by plate number
Follow the steps given below to search your vehicle's permit number
Enter your registered mobile number, if the number is not registered then click on the create account button below, and enter your mobile number and email, verify with OTP, set password, submit account will be created, then login.
Enter your Registered Mobile Number Number and Click on Next Button
Enter the password you have entered while registering the account and then click on the "Continue" button
Enter the plate number of the vehicle in "Enter Vehicle Number" then enter captcha code then click on "Vahan Search" button
Below you get to see the permit number and expiry date in the permit details as well as which category your permit belongs to.
In this way, you can check the permit number of your vehicle just by looking at the plate number of the vehicle, if you are facing any problem, then definitely tell us by commenting below.